What is Reproducible Research?

In this lesson, we have learnt:

  • What is reproducible research?

  • The different terms around reproducibility

Why does Reproducibility matter?

In this lesson, we have learnt:

  • About the reproducibility crisis

  • How reproducibility can be improved broadly

  • How by changing our work to be more reproducible, it can also benefit ourselves

Introducing 7 Steps towards Reproducible Research

Step 1 - Planning to be organisedWhat is your next step?

Step 2 - Keeping your files Tidy and OrganisedHow to structure Column Data - Tidy data formatOther useful concepts:How to handle missing data

Step 3 - Methodology and ProtocolsWhat is your next step?

Step 4 - Documentation and writing it downHow to start documentingWhat do I include in my documentation?Things to consider

Step 5 - Testing and ControlsProviding Authenticity and ValidityWhat is your next step?

Step 6 - AutomationCan you automate any repetitive tasks?What is your next step?

Step 7 - Publishing, Persistent Identifiers and Preparing for ReusePersistent IdentifiersDeposit your final data/analysisOpen vs FAIR vs Can’t shareLicensingWhere to deposit?What is your next step?

Wrapping up